Monday, February 8, 2010

A Cool Way to Keep Memories

Hello, Blogworld!
I haven't seen you in a while. I must admit, the reason I am posting now is somewhat self-serving. Truth is, I've ordered a really nice birthday present for my new husband, and I get something for sharing the website on my blog.
It is called Campus Quilts, and it makes quilts from your old t-shirts from college or wherever. Since both my husband and I went to Ball State, I thought this would be a great keepsake. Campus Quilts appears to be very professional, and they were recognized by Rachael Ray and The Today Show. I can't wait to get the kit and get started organizing shirts!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Second Life and Universal Design

Through reading the PATINS project blog (an Edublog) this fall and winter, I've come to know that Second Life can be a great educational tool. Yes, Second Life has many options that, while not necessarily UDL, certainly provide ways for expression not typically possible in most schools. Check out this video:

This one is good as well:

And this video is an eye-opening view of new educational tools (like Second Life):

Friday, August 15, 2008

UDL in Indiana

Yes, Universal Design for Learning exists in Indiana, too. I'm glad I found it and don't have to pioneer it here myself! It is the PATINS (Promoting Achievement through Technology and INstruction for all Students) Project, and it provides a library of materials, Internet resources, and other technological resources to Indiana's schools.

The best part is that it currently has a UDL pilot program, wherein 8 schools are selected per year to receive UDL support materials and training for three years. For each of the six semesters they are in the program, the schools report data about their students' progress back to PATINS. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

Explore for yourself:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Poem By Emily Dickinson

I found this as I was sorting through material from my high school senior English class. It captured my attention as quite profound now that I've been through Mind, Brain, and Education.

The Brain--is wider than the sky--
For--put them side by side--
The one the other will contain
With ease--and You--beside--

The Brain is deeper than the sea--
For--hold them--Blue to Blue--
The one the other will absorb--
As sponges--Buckets--do--

The Brain is just the weight of God--
For--Heft them--Pound for Pound--
And they will differ--if they do--
As syllable from Sound--

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

YouTube Videos

Well, I really just need a space to post these videos because I'm using them for Tina Grotzer's class. They're for my unit on listening to television songs for kindergartners.

Bear in the Big Blue House:

I'll give more on UDL wrap-up next time.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Individual Differences Go To Work

The Fort Wayne Center for Learning is a place where I am applying for a job after I graduate. I just found this video on their website today. It's a little cheesy, but it shows one place (even in lowly Indiana!) where individual differences are catered to specifically.

Hopefully, I'll be doing something like what these instructors do someday, although ideally in a whole classroom.